エチオピア航空、中国へのサービス提供 50 周年を祝う

Ethiopian Airlines, the leading and fastest growing Airline in Africa, is celebrating the 50th year of the commencement of its service to China. The Airline made its first flight to Shanghai on 21 February 1973 and operated there for a while before it shifted its flightsto Beijing on 07 November 1973, which is one of…

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  • The Airline made its first flight to Shanghai on 21 February 1973 and operated there for a while before it shifted its flightsto Beijing on 07 November 1973, which is one of….
  • Ethiopian Airlines, the leading and fastest growing Airline in Africa, is celebrating the 50th year of the commencement of its service to China.
  • 購読は無料です。




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